The Utrecht Sports Council champions the interests of student sport in Utrecht. As well as championing interests internally, the Sports Council also champions the interests of student sport in Utrecht externally, supporting various parties. The aim is to get the views of student athletes heard in order to make student sport in Utrecht as rewarding and accessible as possible. The main stakeholders that the Utrecht Sports Council works with are listed below.

USS Mesa Cosa

USS Mesa Cosa, the foundation for student sport in Utrecht, facilitates the sports on offer at and around Olympos and is responsible for management of the sports centre. Two representatives from student sport sit on the Board of Mesa Cosa. The Sports Council ensures that close contact is maintained with the representatives, so the Board of Mesa Cosa is kept up to speed with what is happening in the field of student sport.

Utrecht University and HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

Utrecht University and HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht make student sport viable from both a financial and a practical perspective and are therefore key partners for the Sports Council. The Sports Council works with these partners through meetings with both the universities themselves and their respective councils.

Utrecht City Council

The Sports Council liaises with a number of different councillors and draws the Council’s attention to the issues at play. The Sports Council also engages with the Municipal Executive, among other things to encourage collaboration between community sports clubs and student sports clubs.


The Sports Council is a member of Studentensport Nederland (SSN). SSN brings all the Sports Councils in the Netherlands together, among other things through its Training Days (Kaderdagen). The Sports Councils have a say over SSN’s policy through the general meetings of members.


The Sports Council is affiliated to the Utrecht sports association Vereniging Sport Utrecht (VSU), an organisation that promotes professional and amateur sport in Utrecht and to which many sports clubs in Utrecht belong. The Sports Council liaises with the VSU and collaborates with it wherever possible.


The Sports Council is a member of Vidius, an organisation that champions the interests of students in Utrecht. The Sports Council meets with the sports arm of Vidius once every six weeks. This ensures that Vidius is always up to speed with the latest developments in student sport.